Chat configuration made in CallGuide Admin

Major parts of chat handling are configured via CallGuide Admin, in the same way as for other media in CallGuide. Examples of general configurations are

The chat function also have some quite unique configurations made via CallGuide Admin. One example is the different messages the customer will see in CallGuide Chat Client.

The Chat menu choice

Chat unique configurations for CallGuide Chat Engine and chat entrances are made under the Media | Chat menu choice.

Many of the settings apply per chat entrance, such as e.g.

Access rights

To see history for chats, via Interaction View in CallGuide Agent, you require one of the following access functions:

If you have limited who will be able to see and handle content in historic chats, by connecting task types to subareas, you should also make sure that concerned users belong to the correct subarea (not access areas).


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB